Sunday, September 11, 2011

What would you do without a sewing machine?

This week Astrid {Husqvarna Viking - Emerald 203} went to a new home.

She was only with me for 6 months but we did many things and she helped me learn so much.

At the moment I'm not in a position to get a new machine so I have to make do with my hands. I don't knit or crochet yet so all I can do is hand sew and cross stitch.

So far I have only completed one piece I'll be starting my next soon. But I have also been looking around for nice large patterns. Any recommendations?
I found this pattern ABC Halloween sampler it's pretty sweet {}

This on is from Shepard's Bush {'s.html} the Beekeeper's Cottage.

It's hard without a sewing machine BUT it's nice to be able to hone a different skill for a time. Speaking of skills I've also gotten the Clover embroidery threader and some Cosmo floss and WOW do they make everything easier.

The floss is so smooth and has the most beautiful feel I fully encourage you to try it if you haven't yet and the threader well do I need to say more ;)

What would you do without a sewing machine?


P.s. Excuse the mess I'm still blogging on my phone :)

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